The Phoenix Location has, as part of our Veteran’s Ministry, picked up a new project called “St. Joseph’s Baskets”.
Headed by Anne Park, DM, and her beloved husband David Park, KM, she describes the ministry:
"We are making and delivering baskets to homeless veterans who have been blessed to have been placed in new living situations."
The baskets include all kinds of necessities for starting a new life and are delivered to the veteran as soon as they move-in.
This effort is in conjunction with Community Bridges Inc. and being funded by as The Franciscan Renewal Center (affectionately called "The Casa") in Scottsdale, AZ. The Casa offers opportunities for spiritual growth, healing and transformation, and service to others.
This project has been in place for many years via The Casa Volunteers. They prepared and delivered the baskets. However, that team of good souls retired, and the PHOENIX LOCATION has picked up the facilitation of this wonderful project.
Our first 1st St. Joseph’s Basket was delivered this morning.
Anne reflected, "So blessed to meet Antonio and his mom. They were so happy to receive this gift!"