The Boise Location just completed its first of many Pic and Pack Projects for the Idaho Diaper Bank. Bob Kilmartin, KM, Jane Kilmartin, DM, Charles Corbalis, KM, Mary Curry, DM, Marty Karpiel, KM, Susan Karpiel, DM, Susanne Lankford, Provisional, and Reagan Lankford, Future Auxiliary helped pull and pack approximately 10,000 diapers for 10 non-profit organizations (including Catholic Charities of Idaho) who, in turn came and picked up their diaper orders the next morning and distributed them.
With 46% of children in Idaho under the age of three living in poor or low-income families, there are 35,000+ families likely struggling to provide basic necessities like food, shelter, and hygiene. Hence, there are just not enough diapers being distributed through Idaho's social safety net. Diapers are expensive and can cost over $100 per month. Many families can no longer afford diapers due to the increased cost of food, housing, transportation etc. This is compounded by the fact that diapers cannot be purchased with food stamps or WIC funds.
With the recent passing of the Heartbeat Bill in Idaho abortions will be prohibited after the sixth week of pregnancy. This will only increase demand for Idaho’s Diaper Bank’s services. The Boise Knights and Dames hope to make this one of their signature ministries.