The Phoenix Location was honored to welcome her excellency, Michelle Bowe, DM, the Order of Malta Ambassador to Palestine and the President of Holy Family Hospital [HFH] of Bethlehem Foundation. St. Paul Roman Catholic Church hosted a weekend of presentations at all December 5th Vigil and Masses to raise awareness of the critical need for prayer and financial assistance for our Signature Work. Ambassador Bowe pointed out that HFH, whose mission is to serve expectant mothers regardless of "need or creed," is mere steps from the place of Jesus' Nativity.
She reminded us that while St. Joseph had no place at the Inn, EVERY family is welcome at Holy Family Hospital! Each Mass had multiple Knights, Dames and Provisionals process to show solidarity between HFH and the Order. Additionally, Western Association Chancellor, Mr. Tim Jeffries hosted Ambassador Bowe, DM at his home for the 4th Annual Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem Foundation Reception on Saturday, December 4th. Brian Bouterie Provisional 2022, whose own late son, Chase 1996-2018, was a neonate, added that "It would be a tremendous blessing to raise $50,000 for those beautiful 'Babies in Bethlehem' this weekend!" Please click HERE to order your Christmas Cards from the Hospital!