Nearly 700 people crowded the Cathedral in person this past Saturday to pray for healing--for themselves and/or for loved ones, in the Oakland Location's 16th Annual World Day of the Sick.

Richard Sparks conducted the Oakland Cathedral Choir in our composer-in-residence Frank La Rocca's Messes des Malades. Watch it via EWTN here:

The Oakland Location assembled over 1,000 bottles of Lourdes Water, along with Our Lady of Lourdes prayer cards, rosaries, scapulars, Miraculous medals, all in beautiful blue organza gift bags for Malades and their caregivers.

Thanks to all who made this happen with your gifts of prayer, attention, time, and encouragement as well as treasure. A shout out to the 22 members of the Oakland Location of the Order of Malta who volunteered to help with hospitality at the Cathedral yesterday. And a special thanks to Moira Richards Conzelman, the patroness of this Messe des Malades: Honoring Our Lady of Lourdes, who asks for prayers for her parents from us all. Today would be a great day to pray!

"The miracle of Lourdes is finding the courage to face our frailties with joy in Christ's plan for us." - Fr. George Mockel

Frank La Rocca's Messe des Malades is now available for pre-orders from Cappella Records. If you would like to enter a raffle to have a private dinner with Archbishop Cordileone just purchase a recording and send the receipt to We don't financially benefit from this. The Archbishop's goal is to draw attention to the truth that great Catholic sacred music is a living tradition not a dead one, inspire the next generation of Catholic artists, and save more souls. Making the Billboard charts causes a splash so we appreciate your help. Maybe your music director, pastor, or your child's piano teacher would love a CD?