The Order of Malta is now in Salt Lake City, at the invitation of Most Rev. Oscar Solis, Bishop of Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake City diocese encompasses the entire state of Utah, with St. Mary of the Assumption in Park City as the key parish. St. Mary’s pastor, Father Christopher P. Gray, will serve as the Location Chaplain.
After receiving permission from Bishop Solis, the SLC Location members were preparing for pilgrimage, when everything shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Salt Lake County was the first in the state to shut down, and remains under the sheltering-in restrictions, along with four other Utah counties. Once everything re-opens, they plan to work with the leadership of Catholic Community Services to find the areas with gaps to fill. They also plan to participate in the Order’s hygiene kit distribution program.
Salt Lake City’s members are immensely grateful for the invitation and for the Order’s trust in them to serve their lords, the poor and the sick. Please offer your resources and prayers for a fruitful follow-through after the launch. The needy, the spiritually starving, and the new vocations offered by the Holy Spirit in Utah await.
Contact: Tracy Gonsalves, Convener,