Each year around Veteran’s Day in November, the Phoenix location hosts an annual Veteran’s Luncheon, to honor and pay their respects to local veterans. As with most charities since March, the event was cancelled due to Covid-19. Fortunately, Phoenix members have learned to think outside of the box, and they found another way to honor their veterans with a small token of appreciation.
In conjunction with the Crosier Brothers in Central Phoenix, they visited a small, yet humble, population of veterans in a nearby shelter, and distributed care packages and hygiene kits, filled with love and everyday condiments. Most care packages contained hand lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant along with a few cheerful snacks to help their courageous brothers.
Even though the Phoenix location members could not intermingle with these brave souls, they were grateful for the privilege to serve these men and women, even though few, with great honor and respect. They were also immensely humbled by the feedback and appreciation they received from the event coordinator at the shelter.
As a result of this small, yet impactful collaboration, the Phoenix location, along with the Crosier Brothers, will continue to visit this shelter and to provide additional services in the near future. God bless, and God bless America!