We wanted to provide a quick status update for those of you who are still considering participation in the 2024 Lourdes Pilgrimage.

There is good news, and more challenging news, to report.  Based upon the interest we’ve received to date, the Pilgrimage has already reached its level of full subscription in terms of charter flight availability, and all of the associated seating upgrades have been allocated.  This is, of course, both positive and negative - we are pleased at the enthusiastic response we have received, but also recognize that the General Registration process commenced only today, and that some of you may still have been continuing your deliberations about joining us.

If you wish to come along as a 2024 Lourdes Pilgrim, there are still ways to make that happen.  First, our principal constraint now is seating on our charter flight.  For those of you who would consider the “Land Only” option, there are still some rooms available at the Hotel Eliseo and elsewhere, and we can clearly include some additional participants on that basis.  We would be happy to discuss the principal transit alternatives to Lourdes with those of you who might be considering this approach.  If you’d like to subscribe on this basis, just check the “Land Only” box on the registration form.

And for those of you who would like to go, but only on the charter, please register and check the “Air/Land Waitlist” option.  In recent years, we have had a minimum of 40 cancellations per year, so we will certainly be adding names from that list to our travel manifest.  And to be clear, you will not have to send funds in at this time to be added to that Waitlist – only after we contact you to offer you a spot, and you confirm that you’d still like to go.

There is clearly a great deal of accumulated interest in returning to Lourdes, and we appreciate your support.  Please contact any of us with any questions that you might have.  And know that we will continue to refine our subscription process to make it as open and fair as we possibly can.

If you have any questions, please contact me at either the e-mail address, or the mobile number, listed below.


Paul Tosetti
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024