The San Jose Location wanted to build off the incredible Martha’s Kitchen/Toys-for-Tots partnership with last year’s effort to wrap and distribute what ultimately became over 8,000 toys for needy children.
This year, through a generous anonymous gift, the San Jose Location was able to purchase about 1,500 toys and wrapping paper to provide a wonderful Christmas experience for children who may otherwise spend the holidays without any gifts. About 45 Knights, Dames, Auxiliary Members, San Jose Rotary Club Members, and a host of volunteers and friends gathered to wrap close to 2,000 toys for boys and girls ranging from ages 0 to 16.
Tony Mirenda, KM, the San Jose Location Hospitaller, coordinated the many moving parts together with Martha’s Kitchen Executive Director and member of the incredible San Jose Auxiliary, Bill Lee, around this effort. From the forklifting of the toys in the warehouse, to breaking down the pallets, to wrapping the toys, this was a complex operation that required a lot of cooperation from everyone involved.
The toys will be distributed at Martha’s Kitchen, a local food shelter in San Jose, on December 17th and 18th. The goal is to be able to acquire more gifts so that even more children can have a wonderful Christmas this year. Members, Provisionals, Auxiliary, and volunteers are ready to implement the Wrap-At-Home program in addition to other in-person wrapping events to meet the needs of children around the community. Further, local high school students will be joining our Members, Auxiliary Members, and volunteers at future events to help with the tremendous work-load including the actual toy distribution.