Recent 2021 Investees, Anne Park, DM and David Park, KM led the Phoenix Location in our initiative of "Growing the Faith" [GTF] at St. Catherine of Siena Parish and School in South Phoenix on 30, October 2021. The day started with the celebration of Holy Mass, where Vicar Fr. Michael Gilbert blessed Rosaries that the Knights and Dames gifted to the entire student body. BOOTs! (Brian Bouterie) a Provisional Member, and Location Chaplain Rev. Tom Enneking, OSC led a discussion about the history of the Order and her devotion to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Additionally, in light of the 450th Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, our Phoenix Members spoke of the Order of Malta's involvement in the Holy League, the necessity of prayer before all things, and the establishment of the Feast of the Our Lady of Victory, now known as our Lady of the Rosary, by Pope Pius V, on October 7th each year. Also speaking were Location Leader, John Even, KM, Jeanne O'Brien, DM, & Gail Damico, DM. Others present were Roxanne Schroer, DM and newly invested Daniel Johnson, KM. St. Catherine of Siena School is a phenominal fringe area academy, with exceptional students and staff. Soon, the children shall receive new Bibles from the Western Association too!