The World Television Premier of the Western Association Order of Malta 2021 Lourdes Pilgrimage Documentary is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8th at 1:00 (PST) on EWTN ( The Documentary, entitled “Return to Lourdes”, chronicles the WA Order of Malta’s 2021 Pilgrimage through the eyes of our beloved Malades. The 30-minute documentary was shot and produced by Peter Scudner’s Triode Production Company. Peter’s team was embedded in the 2021 Pilgrimage and had unfettered access to all events associated with the 2021 Pilgrimage. Peter Scudner, KM is a member of the Federal Association and has produced several videos capturing the magic of Lourdes.
The inspirational documentary will serve to show the world what we already know – that our pilgrimage to Lourdes is a life-changing experience for both our Malades and WA Members that serve them.