Welcome to the 7th Annual Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. This is going to be a wonderful Pilgrimage for the Federal and Western Associations and we look forward to seeing you.
We will be gathering at the place where the Queen of Heaven appeared and spoke to a young woman, Adele Brise. The first time Adele saw the Queen of Heaven, Adele was taking a sack of grain to the grist mill. The second time she was walking ten miles to Sunday Mass with friends. The third time Adele saw Mary she was walking home from Mass. At the third apparition the Blessed Mother spoke to Adele. She introduced herself as the Queen of Heaven and asked Adele to pray for the conversion of sinners and to teach the children of this wild country what they needed to know to get to heaven. Mary said to Adele, “Do not be afraid. I will help you.”
And we will be there too! What burdens do we carry? The Queen of Heaven is waiting for us. Her message was for the whole world…I will help you.
During our pilgrimage we will be visiting the National Shrine of St. Joseph. The Church has proclaimed this the Year of St. Joseph. A plenary indulgence will be granted and prayers will be answered by St. Joseph.
It is also the 150th Anniversary of the great Peshtigo Fire Miracle at the Shrine. During our Rosary Procession we will walk the same path that Adele and others did as they prayed for safety from the fire. We will do the same – pray the Rosary for protection.
Novena to Our Lady of Good Help
Links for Mass Livestreams:
You may watch the Masses live during the pilgrimage through the National Shrive of Our Lady of Good Help's Youtube page HERE, or through their Facebook page HERE. For more information, please visit the Shrine's website HERE.
To view the livestream from the Mass on August 5th from the Cathedral in Wisconsin, click HERE.
Below is the schedule of events for the Pilgrimage. Don’t worry about bringing it with you. There will be a copy for you when you register at the Hyatt. Registration opens at noon on Thursday, August 5, in the lobby of the hotel.
2021 Our Lady of Good Help Schedule
When you arrive at the hotel on Thursday please change into your uniform.
Please use the link provided below to input your flight tracking information. All those who sent info previously, please open the link and check to see that all the information is correct. This is a "live" document. After you input the data, you can close it. There is no need to save or send back and it is always available if you need to make changes.
2021 Our Lady of Good Help Travel
Youth Program:
The Youth Program will begin at Noon on Thursday, August 5, with a meeting for the children and their parents or grandparents. If your children are planning on participating in the Youth Program, they must wear the pilgrimage uniform.
Women: black pants or skirt, a black tank top with either a white blouse or white jacket, and the uniform scarf. If the weather is cool most women use their red Lourdes sweaters.
Men: white aviator shirt with the Order of Malta Association patch on the left sleeve and black pants.
Also, it may be a good idea to bring a raincoat or jacket. We’ve been blessed with beautiful weather in the past, but rain and cool weather is also a possibility.
All Knights and Dames should bring their robes/capes.
You are encouraged to wear clothing of your choice for dinner on Saturday evening.
The deadline for ordering uniform items online is Monday, July 12. Uniform items can be ordered here: Order of Malta Western Association Uniforms
The Pilgrimage is an event where we unite in prayer for healing of all under the Grace of Our Lady of Good Help. We all struggle with emotional, spiritual, and/or physical challenges.
The Pilgrimage allows us to get to know one another in a relaxed, peaceful, prayerful environment while seeking the Blessed Mother’s intercession to bring us closer to Her Son, Jesus, and concede to His Will.
The Members of the Order share the experience of grace and healing with Special Pilgrims, family members and friends who participate in the Pilgrimage.
We look forward to seeing you on August 5.