We are pleased to announce the availability for purchase of Order of Malta face masks for daily use. The masks are designed and manufactured in Italy and worn by the staff members of the Grand Magistry in Rome. The masks have 100% soft cotton interior and 100% polyester exterior, with durable stitching. They are lightweight, washable, and reusable. There is a fold designed to hold gauze for extra filtration if desired. For further details, please review the specifications sheet and photographs HERE.
The cost is $10.00 sales tax and cost of shipping included, and payable by check or credit card. Your order will be sent to you in the mail. Due to the personal nature of the masks, all sales are final. Quantities are limited.
Please place your orders HERE.
Sincerely yours,
Order Fulfillment
Western Association, U.S.A.
The Order of Malta
Over 900 years of service
Over 100 countries served